Family Law & Probate

- Comprehensive legal advice on family law, covering out-of-court consultation and judicial action on the matrimonial regime, guidance for assessing the regime's patrimonial and corporate consequences;
- Guidance for evaluating the patrimonial and corporate consequences of the matrimonial regime chosen or to be chosen;
- Comprehensive legal advice in inheritance law, covering the preparation of judicial and out-of-court probate, wills and living wills;
- Assessment of the legal consequences of the family project;
- Preparation of prenuptial agreement, dating contracts and Common-Law marriage statements;
- Analysis and guidance on asset sharing;
- Preparation, monitoring and management of interests in wills;
- Guidance on international family law;
- Expertise and guidance in national and international divorces;
- Action and guidance in national and international sharing;
- Identification, prevention and management of risks (compliance);
- Preparation of opinions;
- Mediation and preparation of procedural legal transactions.