ABSTRACT: The Brazilian consumer protection system is governed by the principle of vulnerability and adopts, among other mechanisms of equalization, the figure of “less sufficiency”. Often confused, these concepts are distinct and deserve detailed analysis. They are, today, even more relevant if we take into account advances in biotechnology. In this respect an important step is to ensure the right information to consumer, exposed to consumer relations involving genetically modified organisms.
REFERENCE: MYSZCZUK, Ana Paula ; GLITZ, Frederico Eduardo Zenedin . GMO, consumption and consumer vulnerability in Brazilian Consumer Law: the right to be duly informed. In: Carlos M. Romeo Casabona, Leire Escajedo San Epifanio and Aitziber Emaldi Cirión. (Org.). Global food security: ethical and legal challenges. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2010, v. , p. 245-248.